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Wednesday, November 1, 2023

The Bearded Male: Iconic Masculinity

No Shave November:  November 1, 2023

It's that time of year again!  Every year, the Clan of Men celebrates "No Shave November" with a month-long beard-a-palooza of sexy bearded men.  During all of November, the blog's daily posts will exclusively feature men with beards.    

As is pointed out by many, and as I have reiterated many times on the Clan of Men blog site, the whiskers that grow on our faces distinguish men from females and sexually immature males.  As men, by wearing our beards, we embrace that impactful distinction and proudly honor our manhood.  This sentiment is nothing new, as the symbolic significance and virile allure of a man's beard has been a part of world culture throughout the ages.  While I stop short of saying a man without a beard can't have sex-appeal, I adamantly believe a man without a beard is never as man-sexy as he could be and should be.  Our beards, like our eternally revered & visually prominent male genitalia, are venerable icons of our sex and epitomize masculinity.         

So, if you presently eviscerate your face by shaving off your God-given whiskers, the Clan of Men implores you to celebrate "No Shave November" by growing your beard and becoming a whole man.  If you are already among the proudly bearded, celebrate the month by appreciating more than ever your own iconic masculinity and the iconic masculinity of your fellow bearded men.  It's "No Shave November," and this month is about us men at our very best!

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