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Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Our Male Sex Drive: It's In His Kiss

Kissing can be sweet and romantic.  It can be sexy and steamy.  At it's best, it's both.  The passionate and hungry interlocking of tongues is a connection like no other, and in sex, it's like pouring gasoline on an already raging fire.  

As a professed pogonophile, defined as one possessing a strong affinity for beards and bearded men, I particularly like the beard-to-beard aspect of kissing another bearded man.  I really get off on that face-to-face manliness!  I am also a huge cumaholic, a slang-term used to describe someone who really likes  semen, so add cum-chasers to the man-on-man kissing, and for me, it's masculine paradise.  

However you like it, this collection showcases the intimacy of kissing men.  Enjoy.    

# Our Raging Tempest: The Male Sex Drive


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