Questions? Comments? Are you a proud man and want to submit your photo as a Clan of Men's "Man Next Door?" I love hearing from men who view my blog! Email me at

Friday, August 30, 2019

Gone Fishin'
Well, I'm not really going fishin', but I will be away on vacation for a little over a week.  I won't be posting to my blog while I am away.  I'm off to the Greek islands with some friends, and we will definitely plan to visit at least a couple of the nude beaches.  I hope to see and meet other guys there with BIG HAIRY DICKS!  In fact, I'm counting on it! 😀

Many of my blog readers send me emails telling me they enjoy the "Clansman of the Month," which I typically post on the first of the month.  Mr. September, however, will have to make a later debut.  You may always check-out our past clansmen of the month at


The best man is a NAKED MAN with a BIG HAIRY DICK.  Guys, if you're blessed with a nice Mr., shuck those pants and let him out! He needs to be seen!


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