I have been meaning to address this topic for a while. I have been a bit hesitant to write about it because the subject of sexual relations between fathers and sons is a sensitive one. For some, it is fraught with negative perceptions of incest, indecency, molestation of minors, exploitation & abuse, and pedophilia.
Firstly, I will go straight to some basic assurances about my own viewpoints on the subject and my related commentary on this blog. Let me emphatically assert that I believe sexual attraction to children is sick and is nowhere depicted on this blog. Any reference ever made to "sons" in the context of this post, or any post, is to sexually mature males of the legal age of consent. Anyone familiar with my blog, or with me personally, knows that my sexual tastes are not geared to very young looking guys. I like men, not boys, fully ripe, with muscle, body hair & a beard, and other physical characteristics that define male maturity. I am in my mid-30s, and most of the guys with whom I have sex fall in the early-20s to late-50s age range. In the situations where I hook-up with guys who are in the 18-22 age range, they usually look more physically mature than average for their age. Even so, I always make sure they are at least 18. Similarly, I look carefully at photos I post to my blog, and if it is not clear that the guys are of mature age, I don't post them. None of this is really challenging for me because, as I said, men who interest me sexually, in my choice of sexual partners or in appreciation of photographs, are physically mature and do not look like boys.
Having said all that, there is no denying that the "dad/son" theme, whether it is based on reality or total fantasy, appeals to some gay men. Some of the porn vendors (featuring adult actors) use the term "inter-generational" as a descriptor instead of "dad/son" to avoid any negative connotation associated with incest or sex with minors. Be that as it may, the question remains, "What is it about the dad/son sexual dynamic that some guys like?"
I do not have a dad/son fetish, and neither do I routinely get into dad/son fantasy role play in my sexual encounters. Nonetheless, the dad/son thing does appeal to me, and I know why. I can remember being a horny kid lusting after, not guys my own age, but grown men in all the masculine glory of their male maturity. I was very drawn to the physique and the facial & body hair of adult men. I was very pleased with myself when I went through puberty early and became one of the most "manly" looking guys in my class at school. I looked like a man, in my mind, and I wanted to have sex with one, badly.
Whereas I was never all that close to my mother, my dad and I always enjoyed a very close father-son relationship. I have one younger sister, but I am the only son, and I always really liked that my dad and I were the two guys of the family. My dad used to take me to work-out with him at the local YMCA, and I would see him naked there in the locker room. I also would see him naked at home sometimes when we were alone. During my teen years, my dad --only 21 years older than me -- was a handsome man in his prime with a muscular & hairy physique, a big fat dick, and big low-hanging balls. I frankly admit that I was very sexually attracted to him. I wanted him.
My dad and I favor, as we are both tall, fit, hairy, and redheaded. He is harrier than I am, though, and has a darker shade of red hair. Most importantly, at least to me, I inherited his good fortune in respect to what's between our legs. During my teenage years, in a fun spirit of male comaraderie, my dad and I began to openly acknowledge our big dicks with one another. I got a big kick out of that, and I still do. Truthfully, I have always revered my dad, then and now, and I very much like being "a chip off the old block." He likes it, too.
I am about to go into very personal territory, which I know will meet with some disapproval. Straight to it -- when I was a senior in high school (and of legal age, for the record) my dad and I began "horsing around" together. Yes, by "horsing around" I mean sex. I don't want to take the time to provide a play-by-play description, but I will provide some context. My folks split up that summer before school started that year, and my mother moved to another city to take a promotion at work. My sister went to live with my mother, while I stayed with my dad. Their divorce did not upset me in the least. My mother is a very beautiful woman, but she has always been difficult, and frankly, life got so much easier and happier for me and my dad after she left. Like I just said, I was horny young man, and now that I had my dad all to myself at home, I relentlessly pursued him. I finally wore him down, and he succumbed to my charms. LOL. Our "horsing around" was always playful and affectionate. It made me very happy.
I came to find out, although my mother never knew anything about it, that my dad had been occasionally hooking-up with other men on the sly for quite some time. My dad essentially is bisexual, but he never really indulged his sexual attraction to other men until he was pushing 40, married, with two kids in their teens. Fast forward 17 years later to present day, my dad now lives with his male partner and is a very content gay man. He and I live in different cities, in distant parts of the country, so nowadays we only get to see one another a few times a year. I like his partner very much, and vice-versa. My dad and I are still close, and we continue to enjoy physical intimacy when we are together. His partner is comfortable with that, and in fact, he often joins in. At times when I am in a serious relationship with another guy, it is always very important to me me for him to accept my close relationship with my dad and, luckily, he always has. While I know our relationship is not typical, it feels very normal, and wonderful, to me. I greatly value the love, depth, and freedom that characterize our father-son relationship. And, since I am being perfectly honest, the truth is also that my dad, now in his 50's, is still handsome, hairy, and in-shape, and I still really like and want his BIG HAIRY DICK. 😈 Some things in life never change. I know I've mentioned a time or two elsewhere on this blog that my dad watches my blog and, with his consent, even agreed to let me anonymously post a (faceless) photo of him. I told him I wanted to write this commentary, and I let him see a draft of it before I posted it. He told me he could see the love and respect. I like that.
So, taboo or natural male bonding, fact or fantasy, mild to wild, meeting with approval or disapproval, dads and sons getting-off together is part of the landscape of male sexuality. Not everyone experiences it or relates to it, but there is no denying that it's out there.
This collection is updated periodically.
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